Well, Before this update we got kgc update that's is dio 3rd job update: leviathan. Now in GCPH they also getting a new job of Luxus the job is prominence.Let's see the photos:
- Luxus’ 4th Job Prominence Mission Cash and GP will be available in the Shop.
- The Luxus Package will be available in the Shop for a limited time only.
Also they are some change in this event that is hellspear.Hellspear from purple colour change to Gold colour in this event see this photos:
Relay DungeonDuration: March 6 – March 20 (before maintenance)
- A relay dungeon will be marked in Bermesiah, Silver Land, Ellia and Xenia Continent
- Each stage of a relay dungeon resides each boss monster of the continent it is located.
- Collect Relay Medal that can be crafted to Goodie Bag.
Random drops by Boss Monsters

Goodie Bag Random Items